Tuesday, May 28, 2019 | By: The Write Way Cafe

Never Give Up? by @lcrandallwriter

In the heart of an author there are words.

These words string together to make sentences, then paragraphs. These words find homes in poetry, songs, scripts, short stories, and books. Writers long for their words to go into the world for others to read and think about, and maybe be changed by the words.

Recently I’ve heard a lot about writers struggling to find an audience or even minimal attention for their writing, and it’s discouraging. Writers are talking about giving up. It makes me sad, but I understand. Things have changed in publishing and it can feel like it’s just an up-hill battle stacked against us to see our writing flourish commercially.

I have danced the dance of giving up or not giving up writing many times. I posted a graphic on Instagram not very long ago stating I was done with asking myself that question. I concluded, I write, no more questioning. But still, like many writers these days, I looked at my writing career
recently and questioned if I should continue or let it go. So it was delightful to see what Facebook offered me yesterday. It was a Memory post of four years ago. It’s the graphic at the top of this page. It was delightful because it was from a moment when I vowed I would not give up on my writing or my life and settle. For me, writing has been a tool of self discovery. They have gone hand in hand. So I have taken satisfaction in that pairing to grow and thrive in life. Four years ago my books were being released regularly and I still questioned things: were they good enough; did I have what it took to promo successfully; and could I keep writing with self-doubt hounding me? As I then vowed to persevere and never give up, I favored sayings that bolstered my determination. A real writer can’t quit. Follow your heart. Believe in yourself and make your dreams come true, essentially themes on "Never give up."

Now days, I see changes in the publishing world and notice the numbers of authors fearing they have no choice but to quit. It’s expensive to support an indie publishing career and it can be exhausting. I respect those who decide to stop because it’s not working out as they dreamed. Why not put energy and heart into something new? It’s a choice with no shame or regret if it’s made consciously, I feel. And what I believe about my writing choices isn’t a statement about any other writers’ decision.

For me, it’s not at all easy to ignore a passion for words. So though contemplation of quitting happens, it’s not a serious thought. I have decided to refocus, but not to change fields, just to open up to changes and use them to adapt. Writing is a passion but it’s also a business. I have decided that instead of insisting my outcomes must be the things I have always wanted with writing, I am looking at new ways that make me relevant. I’m asking questions with an open mind about how I can promote work when sales are low and I don’t want to go in debt, and considering newer platforms I have ignored because of my insistence on having what I’ve always wanted. I don’t know how it’s all going to work out, but I do know I’m not done with writing.

I don’t believe in giving up writing. No, I am going to write, knowing that at a point in the future I’ll cut back or stop. But it will be because the timing is right and I’ll make that choice with no regrets or books left unwritten in my heart.

Are you a writer struggling with your writing career? What are you doing to achieve your goals or make a decision that is best for you. Share?


HiDee said...

Writing has been a part of me for so long, I don't think I could ever give it up. I will always write in some capacity. Thank you for sharing - it's always nice to know we are not alone!

Lynn said...

Thanks HiDee. I agree.

HL Carpenter said...

Very heartfelt post, Lynn! Thank you for sharing your struggle with this issue.

Lynn said...

Thank you HLCarpenter for visiting. I always appreciate your support.