Monday, October 15, 2018 | By: The Write Way Cafe

Monday Morsels: Touch Me

Touch Me
Dark Sides Book One
by Lynn Crandall

Payson looked down over the city from her favorite vantage point at the top of the Sheppard Media Tower, and worried her bottom lip. In the light of dawn, she perched at the edge of the large deck and scanned the downtown streets.

From fifteen stories up, any city could look like a happy place. What she saw told her it was not so for the city of Auralia.

A summer breeze tossed her long hair across her face. She shivered. Changes in the quality of energy thrumming in the air prickled her skin. She could see dark energies thriving in the fistfight in a parking lot, hear it in a woman’s screams for help, sense it in its chaotic pulse that throbbed in her bones. Urgency thudded in her chest.

Her eyes closed, she opened her mind to other Aeons in the city and sensed her energy connection with theirs, like lines of light spreading from her in a web across the city. The gentle pulsing of their high energy hummed in her body, assuring her each one was out there living from light. Awareness bloomed in her chest of how each one brought something different to their mission of balancing dark and light. Hers was working as a bounty hunter.

But Dark Sides energies intensifying these days called her and her fellow Aeons to step up their game right now. Hurry, hurry screamed through her to take stronger actions against the darkness before it was too late.

Payson checked the time on her phone, expecting Braden at any minute.

She ran her gaze across the scene below her—tall buildings that didn’t quite reach the tower, cars filling the streets. But in her mind, she saw a seaport bustling with activity, large sailing ships, and buildings reaching upward sitting next to shiny dome buildings. Suddenly, the scene shifted and devastation rushed through her. She rocked on her perch and blinked hard at the reminder of the past.

She had lived her whole life knowing the popular legend of the lost continent of Atlantis, but also knowing most believed it was a cute story, or just a myth, even a parable to warn people away from the evils of challenging laws and traditions.

Her gut clenched and she turned to find Diane Butler strutting toward her. “Great view, huh?”

Payson jumped down to the deck and braced herself for an assault on her senses. Diane carried darkness around as some people wore a smell. “What are you doing here?”

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Bounty hunter Payson Silver stands on the top of the tallest building in her city and sees proof below in the cries for help, the theft underway, and fighting in progress that darkness is growing. Locating skips,lost people, and objects is only one of her jobs. Born an Aeon, a direct descendant of evolved people of Atlantis, Payson came into the world knowing her purpose in life-to balance dark energies with light and prevent the world from going deeply into darkness, starting with the City of Auralia.

Alongside the love of her life, Braden Powers, and other fellow Aeons, she uses her psychometric ability and special skills to defeat the mission of Dark Aspects, or DAs as she calls them, from turning the city into darkness. Her greatest weapon against the darkness is her ability to send the energy of light and love into the world. Her greatest obstacle to saving the world is fellow Aeon turned DA, Diane Butler, and her own resistance to her mission.

Braden too battles a lack of commitment to the Aeons' mission,and the reminder that he lost control of his mind-control ability once with dire consequences. While he understands the importance of his work, it is only head-deep, not within his heart. As bounty hunter and police officer, Payson and Braden counter darkness by enforcing justice and protecting residents from those who harm others and commit crimes. But when Diane's dark jealousy drives her to block Braden's mind to his real life and create a new one for him,Payson can't stop her. To lose her love is devastating and she knows she has only ten days to bring him back to the light.

Dark forces are powerful, and Payson and Braden battle tosave each other and their precious relationship, while the fate of the worldlies in balance. The battle for good goes on under the radar of humanity, butthe outcome will mean the difference of a thriving planet or the slow death ofall that is. They face difficult choices to save their love, save their souls,and save the world from succumbing to the Dark Side.

📚  Find Lynn Crandall here:

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HiDee said...

Lots going on in this opening scene. Thanks for sharing with us!

Saralyn said...

Sounds intriguing, Lynn. Of course, we want more than just a morsel...

Angela Adams said...

Cool title, Lynn!

Lynn said...

Thank you, Saralyn. It's a different kind of romance.

Lynn said...

Thank you Angela! I plan to write two more books in the series. Each title pertains to a character's special ability.

HL Carpenter said...

What an excellent premise, Lynn! Beautiful writing.