Tuesday, May 10, 2016 | By: The Write Way Cafe

Color Through Divorce with Sara Woodard-Ortiz

The Write Way Café welcomes Sara Woodard-Ortiz, author and designer of  Color Through Divorce. 

Sara Woodard-Ortiz had an amazing idea to help women and children navigate divorce via the Butterfly Effect, the theory that activity in one part of your life can change other parts of your world. Recently divorced, she tapped into her creativity to design the coloring book full of fun things to color with her daughter or alone, and learned that the activity reduced stress and redirected her thoughts into upbeat and affirmative mindsets.

Why did you have to get this book "out there"?
I felt the need to get this book out there because I know how difficult it is to find quality resources to help rebuild yourself after divorce. So many women (and men) rush into the next relationship without having healed properly and without having rediscovered themselves. I wanted to create something that helps moms specifically help themselves through divorce and be able to support their kids through divorce as well.

How did coloring with your daughter help the two of you move through the new world? 
I haven't done much coloring with my daughter because she's still young and doesn't have the awareness or attention span to color for long periods. She also doesn't let me color with her :) But doing the research for the book and drawing the pages has helped me a lot. It's helped me to know that my creation will help other women who are in the same position I was. And in researching ideas on how to start a conversation with children about divorce I've found many ideas that have made me more confident in helping my daughter through our divorce.

What do you hope people will get from your book? 
Ultimately, I hope moms get a chance to 1) take a break from their divorce and 2) help keep a strong connection and open communication with their children during the divorce.

Here are examples of pages in Sara's coloring book:

She also shares some tips about how to market a self published book.

Learn more and connect with Sara:

Website        Color Through Divorce        Amazon

YouTube        Facebook        Pinterest

This post was adapted from Lynn Crandall's blog, with permission from Lynn and Sara.


RT Wolfe said...

I love the premise. Excellent.
-R.T. Wolfe

HiDee said...

Thanks for being with us today, Sara!

Sara_Ortiz said...

Thanks, RT Wolfe. I'm glad you liked it.

And you are most welcome, HiDee :) Thanks for reading.