Thursday, December 19, 2019

Common Elements Romance Project with Lainee Cole

The Write Way Café welcomes Lainee Cole, who has a wealth of creativity and a heart of gold.

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Tell us a little about Storms of the Heart.
Storms of the Heart is a sweet contemporary romance set in the fictional town of Twin Creeks, located in Southern Illinois. Emerson Lane and Justin “Max” Lomax learn that sometimes the hardest thing to do, and the right thing to do, are one and the same – especially when it comes to family dynamics.

Is this book tied to your shelter dog stories, previously published in the Captured by Christmas and At Midnight anthologies?
No, but Storms of the Heart does feature a loyal German Shepherd named Thor. He’s afraid of storms.

Who is your intended audience and why should they read Storms of the Heart?
I hope anyone who enjoys contemporary romance with just a hint of mystery will read it. Also, family and all that it encompasses is a large part of my life. In my stories, I try to show readers positive and supportive ways family members can be there for one another.

How did you become involved with the subject or theme of your book?
Following authors and writing groups on Facebook, I stumbled on The Common Elements Romance Project a little over a year ago. Over seventy romance authors came together to write stories with five elements in common. Everything else is up to the individual authors. The stories are not connected to each other or in the same “world,” so they can be read in any order. They might be short, epic, or in between. They run the gamut of romance sub-genres and heat levels, so there’s something for everyone. All stories for the project will be published between September 2019 and January 2020. Check out our website for more information – there are some fabulous books here!

Who is your favorite character from Storms of the Heart and why?
I know I should say my hero or heroine, right? But my favorite character is the housekeeper, Irene Beresford. She’s a spunky red-headed woman who revels in being herself, no matter what others might think. She’s been so much fun to write!

How about your least favorite character?  What makes them less appealing to you?
My least favorite character is Jameson Blackwell. He’s the mayor, and the town bully. Knowing there are actually people like him in the real world saddens me.

Tell us a little bit about your cover art. Who designed it? Why did you go with that particular image/artwork?
My cover was designed by Dar Albert from I shared with her the five common elements for the Common Elements Romance Project: a lightning storm, lost keys, a haunted house (really haunted or rumored to be), a stack of thick books, and a person named Max. She did a great job working them all in to my cover!

Give us an interesting fun fact or a few about Storms of the Heart.
Irene BeresfordLet’s see… I’m always on the lookout for inspiration! Irene Beresford came to life for me last fall. On our way to the Black Hills of South Dakota, there was an exit sign for the towns of Irene and Beresford. The names just stuck with me, and I thought they would make a great character!

I love old houses with character and am intrigued by secret passages. It would be so cool to have one in my house! I Googled secret passages and hidden rooms, and found some great images. They meshed well with some of the ideas I had for this story.

If you had to choose, which writer would you consider a mentor?
No question about it. My friend and fellow author, Lynn Crandall has been instrumental in my writing career. She is brutally honest in a way that challenges me to expand the boundaries of my comfort zone, to see my words from a different perspective, and to push myself to be a better writer. Best of all, she believes in me when I doubt myself. Her words of understanding and encouragement are the boost I sometimes need!

Do you have any unique talents or hobbies?
My kids claim I make the best no-bake cookies. Does that count? 😊

Do you have any tips for readers or advice for other writers trying to get published?
For readers: Support your favorite authors by following them on social media. It’s fun to get to know them!

For writers: 1) Always be open to learning. I love learning how authors work. Everyone uses different methods – there is no right or wrong way. Anytime I hear of a new method, I note what I think will be helpful to me, and try to implement it when I can. I don’t yet have a set method. I’m still learning what works for me. And 2) Never give up! I’ve been writing since I was in grade school, and have wanted to be a romance author for many years. Now that my kids are grown and I am retired, I am finally realizing my dream!

What can readers who enjoy your book do to help make it successful?
If you enjoy my book, please leave a review on Amazon! It doesn’t have to be anything fancy – a simple “Enjoyed it!” will do. Reviews help get our books noticed and included in recommendations to other readers.

What can we expect from you in the future?
I have lots of ideas for future books! I have one completed manuscript that needs revisions, but a different manuscript that is barely started has been poking at me to come back to it. Either way, I plan to keep writing contemporary romances. If you'd like to keep up with what I'm doing, please follow me on Facebook!

by Lainee ColeAfter the perfect storm that devastated her family, Emerson Lane fled her uncle and the suffocating small town of Twin Creeks. Seven years later, she returns home to make amends with her uncle and help him with the town’s Centennial, only to learn doing so involves working with her former crush—Max.

Sheriff Justin “Max” Lomax has had enough of small-town life and his overbearing bully of a grandfather. He plans to resign and move to the big city as soon as the Centennial celebration is over. There’s only one problem. Emerson Lane has returned. Years ago, he felt sorry for the young girl who’d lost her family, but now she’s all grown up, and he’s tempted to explore new possibilities.

In the week before the Centennial, storms abound—both emotional and literal. As Emerson and Max unravel mysteries of the past, they just might find their future.

RELEASING JANUARY 2020 - Please follow my Facebook page for updates!

Lainee Cole is a Midwestern girl who writes in the company of a husband always trying to talk to her. Lainee’s goal is for her stories to make readers laugh and cry, give them hope, and encourage them to believe in the power of love. When she’s not writing or reading, Lainee enjoys spending time with family (especially her new grandbaby!) and friends; hiking, camping, and traveling with her husband; and consuming daily doses of chocolate.

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  1. Love your story! I'm so glad you're part of the Common Elements Project.

  2. Thank you Lynn! I'm so excited to be a part of the Common Elements Project!
